------------------------------------------------- -----===== Registration Form =====----- ------------------------------------------------- Program Registration Cost : --------------------------- $5 (Five Dollars Australian) per program per user !! Please complete the Registration Form below. Email or Fax the Registration Form : ----------------------------------- Please complete the Registration Form (below), and EMail it to me at : Moose@rocknet.net.au If you do not want to EMail your credit card details over the Internet, then Email me and say so, and I will provide a fax number the form can be faxed through to, so everything is nice and secure. Catalogue : ----------- The best way to view the latest product details is to log onto the Internet Page : http://www.rocknet.net.au/~moose/ Alternatively, for an up-to-date catalog of my programs available, please EMail me at : Moose@rocknet.net.au and I will EMail a catalog out to you. Orders Sent out by EMail only : ------------------------------- In order to keep the price down, orders and registered copies will be sent out via EMail only, via read-receipt EMail. The costs for Registration are $5 per program per user. ------------------------------------------------- -----===== Registration Form =====----- ------------------------------------------------- Name: ______________________ Date:___________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City, State : _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________ EMail address: _______________________________________ Credit Card: [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA [ ] AMEX Credit Card Num: _______________________________________ Expiration Date: _____ / _____/ _______ Name On Card: _______________________________________ Program Name(s): _______________________________________ (e.g. Stop Watch, CPU Monitor, Memory Monitor, etc) Reg. Total: ____ copies at $5 (Aus) each = $ ______ ($5 Australian per program per user) Source Code: ____ copies at $20 (Aus) each = $ ______ (The commented Delphi source code for a program) Order Total: = $ ______ Please Debit my credit card for this amount.